
Project64K7E 3rd Update b2

EmuCR: Project64K7EThanks Gaudy for submitting news
Project64K7E 3rd Update b2 is released. Project64K7E is the best Project64k version. Project64K7E is a version of the Project64 emulator that supports multiplayer games using the Kaillera network.

Project64K7E 3rd Update b2 Changelog:
* Added about 100 OoT Cheats more + Debug ROM Multiplayer Cheats
* Added 3 more games Support
* Added NetPlay Input Plugin 0.2
* Changed Audio Plugin by Azimers 0.30
* Removed Jabo D3D8 1.7, not stable build for 1.4
* Minors Fixes

Download: Project64K7E 3rd Update b2
Source: Here


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