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Demul'a CaH4e3 from the team presented another draft of the screenshots of the emulator. This time it's a game from the stable SEGI: Alienfront.
EmuCR: Demul WIP - Alienfront
EmuCR: Demul WIP - Alienfront
EmuCR: Demul WIP - Alienfront

News Source: Here


  1. mame is only cpu based, if they worked on only mame, we would never get to play these games as they would require a CPU that doesn't exist.


  3. Anonymous #1,

    You dont know what you are talking about. Anonymous # 2 know what he/she is talking about.

    Anonymous #1, please go away and you are being rude!

    Demul, keep up the good work!

  4. (Demul, keep up the good work!) at what ?????
    adding new games and not even bugfixing the Dreamcast side of it
    #2 and #4 must be the same dicks as they both don't know what they are talking about
    MAME isn't about playing games, it is about documentation

  5. why dont build your personal dreamcast emulator end shut the fuck up your mount for all time ago ?

  6. this works on demul anyway watch ma video 2 get it 100% working http://youtu.be/aOzaXlx0RL0

  7. Anonymous # 5

    No comment for you do not know anything at all.

  8. ye it would be also be nice to know when they plan on releasing it
    and ye it would be nice if they worked on mame ,but mame's problem is it seems to be using dosbox as the video driver lol

    i'm a member at emu russia but haven't visted for a while now , (must get back over there soon)

    dr emulator (madmax)

  9. ye it would also be nice to know when they plan on releasing it
    and ye it would be nice if they worked on mame ,but mame's problem is it seems to be using dosbox as the video driver lol

    i'm a member at emu russia but haven't visted for a while now , (must get back over there soon)

    dr emulator (madmax)

    dam ya can't erase your previous post .ohwell

  10. Mame is used primary for documentation and accuracy, we'll need a cpu with 50Ghz to emulate a dreamcast with all features and Demul uses various HLE functions and plus Hardware Acceleration, so don't confuse these 2 projects. Demul autor help's mame devs, showing new discovery avery time, so be patient to a new release.

  11. @6
    "shut the fuck up your mount"

    i didn't his horse was bad mouthing you

  12. notice how it is the same dickheads who love demul
    Plz We Fanboyz Luz Demulz Wez are Piratez who don'tz buyZ romZ



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