
DaedalusX64 SVN r723

EmuCR: DaedalusX64DaedalusX64 SVN r723 is released. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.

DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:

Rev 331 - Salvy
[!] Simplified alpha test checks
[!] Simplified and inline SetMux
[~] Removed hack for Aidyn (no longer needed)
[~] Do not test for GU_GREATER in alpha threshold mode (was breaking Aidym)
[!] Fixed debug build
Rev 332 - Salvy
[~] Corrected order of rt and rs in SPECIAL opcodes that had it incorrect
[~] DSUBU/ADDU should be unsigned
Rev 333 - Corn
[!] small optimization of StoreFPR_Double()
[~] clean up some redundant code in math.h
Rev 334 - Salvy
[!] Optimize interrupts (this time shouldn't cause issues)
[!] Check first if interrupts are enabled to avoid wasting time checking for pending interrupts
Rev 335 - Salvy
[!] Optimized out instances of status reg
Rev 336 - Salvy
[+] Different approach to check for Cop1 Unusuable exceptions (previous approach added too much bloat to the emulator)
Rev 337 - Salvy
[!] Bump up OSHLE cache version

Download: DaedalusX64 SVN r723
Download: DaedalusX64 Preview Pack (2010-07-27)
Source: Here


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