
The Zod Engine 2011/06/05

EmuCR: The Zod EngineThe Zod Engine 2011/06/05 is released. The Zod Engine is an open source remake of the 1996 game Z by the Bitmap Brothers written in C++ using the SDL library for Linux / Windows / Etc.

EmuCR: The Zod Engine

Okay the run / etc animations are done.

So this installer will have these updates -

Vehicles move slower when damaged
Units can run while dodging or when going for a flag / grenades / vehicle takeover
The run and stamina recharge speeds are editable in the default_settings.txt
Each unit's max run time is editable in the default_settings.txt
Unit move animation speed changes based off how fast or slow the unit is moving
The jeep animation speed has been edited to look more like Z

This should set us at version 1.0 with gameplay features. Now all that is left is new features, animations, and gui. So go have yourself some beer and play some zod

Download: The Zod Engine 2011/06/05
Source: Here


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