
ScummVM-PS3 Build 20110605

EmuCR: ScummVM-PS3ScummVM-PS3 Build 20110605 is released. ScummVM-PS3 is a ScummVM port for the PS3. ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed! Among the systems on which you can play those games are Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Dreamcast, PocketPC, PalmOS, AmigaOS, BeOS, OS/2, PSP, PS2, SymbianOS and many more...

A homebrew enabled PlayStation 3 console. As of now that mostly means having a custom firmware installed. Obtaining and installing such a software is out of the scope of this document. Sorry, but you’re on your own for that one.
At least one ScummVM supported game. The list of compatible games can be seen here: http://www.scummvm.org/compatibility/
The page http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Where_to_get_the_games references some places where those games can be bought. Demonstration versions for most of the supported games are downloadable on http://scummvm.org/demos/
An USB drive.

From a computer, download the installable package of the PS3 port from ScummVM’s main site. It should be a .pkg file. Copy it to an USB drive.
After having plugged the USB drive to you PS3, the installation package should appear in the XMB under the “Games > Install Package” menu. Installing it copies ScummVM and its dependencies to your PS3′s hard drive. It also adds the “Games > PlayStation 3 > ScummVM” XMB entry which is to be used to launch ScummVM.

Configuring and playing games
The user manual describes how to add games to ScummVM and launch them : http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/User_Manual

PlayStation 3 Specifics
Games can be launched either from an USB drive or from the internal hard drive. The internal hard drive has better performance though.
Savegames are wrote in the /hdd0/game/SCUM12000/saves folder.
Left stick => Mouse
Cross => Left mouse button
Circle => Right mouse button
Triangle => Game menu (F5)
Square => Escape
Start => ScummVM’s in global game menu
Select => Toggle virtual keyboard
L1 => AGI predictive input dialog

EmuCR: ScummVM-PS3

Download: ScummVM-PS3 Build 20110605 for PS3 CFW
Download: ScummVM-PS3 Build 20110605 for GeoHot/WutangRZA PS3 CFW
Source: Here


  1. Not even move support. A waste like 90% of the PS3 homebrew.


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