Osmose v0-9-96 is released. Osmose is a Sega Master System / Gamegear console emulator. The emulator is released as open source project, under GPL license and exists for both Linux and windows.
Osmose Features:
-QT based GUI.
-Open GL based Renderer.
-SMS emulation: Good compatibility. At this stage, the emulator can run* 96% of commercial
games and public demos, except games that relies on codemaster mapper, which work
but does not have proper video mode emulated.
-Game Gear emulation : Good compatibility. At this stage, the emulator can run 98.0% of
game gear ROMS.
-SN76489 Sound is supported, but still needs work.
-support. for .ZIP .SMS and .GG format.
-Video filters: bilinear, nearest neighbour.
-Pad(keyboard or joystick mapped).
-PAL/NTSC Timing.
-Japanese/Export console.
-In game Screenshots, GFX rip, sound shot.
-Configurable (file edition) keyboard configuration.
-Joystick support.
Osmose v0-9-96 changelog:
Osmose now owns a clean graphical user interface based on QT. QT was the first GUI i found, powerfull enough to refresh display at 60hz. So SDL is no more used now.
-Switch sound system to use ALSA
-GUI development using QT.
-Rendering / Key mapping adapted to QT OpenGL.
-Configuration system rewritten.
Download: Osmose v0-9-96 Linux build 64bits
Source: Here
nothing for windows