
NesDS v0.52a

EmuCR: NesDSNesDS v0.52a is released. NesDS is a public-domain NES emulator for the Nintendo DS. The code was originally written in the commercial Nintendo DS devkit. This project's first milestone is to port that code to the open-source devkit.

NesDS v0.52a Changelog:
The 'menu' is re-designed.
Raw PCM supported, not perfect, can be switched off in menu>Settings>Config.
Settings of nesDS can be written to 'nesDS.ini' at runtime, done in menu>Settings.
Short-Cuts can be configured in menu>Settings.
'LightGun' is placed in menu>Game>Extra, 'Micphone' and 'FDS disk' are also added there. 'Micphone' is not tested.
Nothing more.

Download: NesDS v0.52a
Source: Here


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