Odds and ends
Things going on around MAME:
Mariusz added the “circles” to Meadows Warp Speed and hooked up the controls, so it’ll be playable in the next MAME.
Andreas Naive using data trojaned by Deunan Knute broke the 4th variety of Naomi cartridge encryption, used on later games like Illvelo (Illmatic Envelope) (love that name!) and Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf Asche. I’m hooking up the decryption and should have some screenshots soon.
Olivier Galibert with some help from Deunan figured out why later versions of the Naomi BIOS (and any versions of the Naomi 2 BIOS) weren’t working in MAME, and I have now resolved that issue (it was an unemulated chip ID register in the SH-4 core). So now most Naomi 2 games try and boot instead of showing an error at the BIOS screen. None of them get anywhere yet since we don’t emulate the additional N2 hardware, but this of course was the necessary first step there.
Micko and Aaron Giles are integrating byuu‘s “cothreads” library into MAME. This allows for more accurate emulation of certain hardware configurations that are found in for instance Sega Model 2, as well as a variety of systems on the MESS side (such as the Sega 32X and many Z80-based home computers).
Finally, the Dumping Union has acquired a previously unknown Kyle Hodgetts game. Should be interesting.
News Source: Here
cut useless talk emulate some worthy game you useless devs