
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 110620

EmuCR: FB Alpha ShuffleFB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 110620 is released. FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial version based on FBA with many pointless features.

FB Alpha Shuffle Features:
- added many GUI and driver changes/improvements from FBA Plus!
- Gangta, iq_132, emufan, JAVH, bms888, netbug, CaptainCPS-X, Jimmy_Page... added AVI recorder and input macro. emufan
- added support translated game name list in game selection dialog. 800
- you can edit the the game names in .\config\gamelist.xxx.ini. or you can import game names from mamep.lst. (put it under fbas.exe or config dir) added IPS v4 support from MAME Plus!, click right mouse button on game list. (Thanks to Emuman, emufan)
- added image menu from MAME Plus!, see Misc==>UI Options. (Thanks to Emuman, kkez)
- you can edit which menu style you like in the file config/fbas.ini: // New menu style, if zero-not use, 1-BASIC, 2-GRAY, 3-OFFICE, 4-OFFICE2003, 5-OFFICE2007, 6-EXTRA bMenuNewStyle 4 added select background image and select random image functions, see Misc==>UI Options(support bmp,png,jpg,gif..).
- (Thanks to CaptainCPS-X, FerchogtX) added set misc paths dialog and improve UI for game selection dialog.
- added save preset in "Map game input" dialog. (click right mouse button on "Use preset" button)
- added some custom images in .\res folder, you can replace these images with what you like.
- added display score, select and gameover snapshot to game selection dialog. (http://www.progettoemma.net/snaps/)
- added support archived preview image.(name it: snap.xx, titles.xx, flyers.xx, score.xx, select.xx, gameover.xx. xx = zip/7z).
- (use Thomas Bleeker's PNGlib: http://www.madwizard.org/) added filters in game selection dialog. (it also can filter the custom translated game names)
- (type "lamer" in the filter and it will show unavailable/missing sets) you can edit the filter string in the file .\config\fbas.ini: // User defined filter string, separate with semicolon (';') szUserFilterStr fatal fury;samurai shodown added save favorite games (the file is in config/favorites.ini).
- added "Undo" function for input recordings, "Rewind" function for input recording playback. [blip]
- added adjustable emulation speeds (shift + +/-) and frame counter display (shift+backspace). [blip]
- added a simple jukebox for neo,cps1/2 games. (Thanks to CaptainCPS-X, iq_132)
- (put sound.dat of caname in .\config folder, convert it to UTF-8 encode) You can also use the shortcut keys to switch soundtracks: pagedown / pageup ==> switch tracks. shift+pagedown / shift+pageup ==> switch sections. added 7-Zip support. (http://www.7-zip.org/)
- added XAudio2 sound output. (need install new DirectX runtime/SDK)
- added kawaks/nebula/mame cheat file support. [iq_132]
- (put mame cheat.dat or kawaks/nebula cheat files in cheat folder) changed the emulator will not depend on kailleraclient.dll.
- You can put kailleraclient.dll in the same directory as the emulator if you want to netplay. changed all romsets to match MAME Plus!. (Thanks to iq_132 for converting many neogeo drivers to FBA)
- Many thanks to OopsWare(http://oopsware.googlepages.com/) for porting PGM, CPS3 and many other drivers to FBA.

FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 110620 changelog:
- Fba shuffle version number to 2.0.0.
- The burn module can be split into dynamically loaded dll, through the Help menu under the "load burn library" to choose a different dll.
- The filter is split into a separate dll.
- Add Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [Iq_132]
- Add Success Joe drives. [Iq_132]
- Add Varia Metal drive. [Iq_132]
- Improved oldsplus.
- Fixed some pgm speed of the game.
- Fixed auto demo olds.Fixed the window loses focus and get focus after the user manually suspend failure.
- Fixed enable the filter and exit the game high cpu usage problem.
- Fixed creating kaillera game list.
- Fixed some cases, full-screen mode the window of image scaling is not correct.
- Add set custom key combination function (through the key settings in the "custom key combination" button to enter)
- Add debug information shows the simulator window (by modifying the configuration file log = "true" open).
- Add GDI video output mode (learning purposes, not recommended)
- Add Direct2D video output mode (need more than win7 or vista sp2 system)
Part of the adjustment of the configuration file structure (some options need to re-set)
- Adjust all cheat, configuration files, favorites, local game list file format is xml.
(You can use the tools banunu fbas to convert the old ini file, note that the original documents have to be the first non-English characters into a utf8 format)
Modify some default settings.
- Optimize button bursts results support the key combination bursts.
- Key bursts settings are saved to the game configuration file.
- Optimize the focus of the game list dialog box switch. (After selection or input filter does not automatically switch the focus to the list)
- If you want to import from mamep.lst local game list, you must first save it as utf8 bom mamep.lst code.
- Remove unstable simple music box. (M1 recommended to listen to the game music).
- Update libpng to 1.5.3. (Http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
- Code cleanup and optimization.
- Update romsets synchronized to MAME 0.143.

Download: FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 110620
Source: Here


  1. Please DEMON FRONT PGM!!! V.102 OR V.0105 please ALPHA emulator! please! 2002-2011 PLEASE

  2. yes ketsui run! it's working!

  3. does this run ketsui better or shmupmame run better ?


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