Test7 is a multi emulator frontend. Instead of a list of game names, it displays a tiled view of thumbnails (one for each game). It's based on the library "Slick" (http://slick.cokeandcode.com) and use the Apache Batik SVG Toolkit (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/). The config file is in JSON format (http://www.json.org) To start the front-end (requires Java version 6 at least): java -jar test7.jar At launch, Test7 unzips the necessary natives libraries in the current directory. Linux: You must include this directory in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Windows: The current directory is normaly automatically added to the PATH. If it doesn't exist, Test7 creates a template config file test7.json The config files is divided in three parts: - display - emulators - games Summary of the display configuration: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" - screenWidth and screenHeight : sizes in pixels of the screen. - fullscreen : true/false. - keyDelay (optional 500ms by default): time in ms for key repetition. - nbColumns and nbRows : number of thumbnails displayed on a page. - percentRowSpacing and percentColumnSpacing (optional 1% by default): blank space between rows and columns in percent of the screen size. - pageScrollTime (optional 300ms by default): time in ms of the page-scrolling effect. - cursorMoveTime (optional 100ms by default): time in ms for the cursor to move from one thumbnail to another. - rotate (optional no rotation by default): rotate the display. -1 = -90°; 1 = +90°; 0 = no rotation. - multiThread (optional true by default): true/false; By default Test7 load the thumbnails in a separate thread. So you can start your navigation through the games while the thumbnails are loaded. But it seems there's a bug which sometimes freezes the application (occures in fullscreen with Vista) - svgMaskFilename (optional test7/mask.svg by default) : filename of the svg file used as a mask on each thumbnail. Emulators: """""""""" - id : reference used in the game part. - command : command used to start the emulator (with options if needed). Exemple: "c:/temp/znes/zsnesw.exe -m" to start the ZNES emulator in command line mode. - romsDirectory : directory containing the roms of this emulator. - picturesDirectory : directory containing the pictures used to create the thumbnails. Games: """""" - file : name of the file. Exemple : "superGame.zip" The directory is the one associated with the emulator (see above). - name : displayed name of the game. - picture (optional): By default Test7 uses the filename of the game with one these suffixes : "bmp,jpg,jpeg,png,gif" to construct the filename of the game. Exemple: "superGame.zip" becomes "superGame.png" This parameter permit to use a totally different filename for the picture. The directory is the one associated with the emulator (see above). - emulatorOption (optional): add some options to the command line of the emulator. - emulatorId : Identifiant of the emulator used to launch this game. Exemple of a configuration: """"""""""""""""""""""""""" { "screenWidth":1680, "screenHeight":1050, "fullScreen":true, "nbColumns":6, "nbRows":4, "emulators": [ {"id":"znes", "command":"c:/temp/znes/zsnesw.exe -m", "romsDirectory":"c:/temp/znes", "picturesDirectory":"c:/temp/znes"}, {"id":"mame", "command":"c:/temp/mame/mame.exe", "romsDirectory":"c:/temp/mame/roms", "picturesDirectory":"c:/temp/mame/snap"} ], "games": [ {"name":"Super Ghost'n Trolls ", "file":"Super Ghost'n Trolls (Europe).zip", "emulatorId":"znes"}, {"name":"Super Subway", "file":"Super Subway (Europe) (En,Fr,De).zip", "emulatorId":"znes"}, {"name":"Year of Kung-Fu", "file":"yearkf.zip", "emulatorId":"mame"} ] } Usage: """""" Use arrow keys or joystick to move the cursor. Use space or a joystick button to select a game. A full-size picture of the selected game is displayed. Confirm your choice with space or a button again or use arrow key or joystick to cancel. Type 'Q' to quit Test7. |
Download: Test7 v20110503
Source: Here
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