StepMania SSC's features:
- The ability to enable AutoSetStyle, allowing for multiple styles (e.g. dance-single, dance-solo) during a single gameplay session.
- Various new features for StepMania themers (via Lua bindings or otherwise)
- Other new features (including some that may have trouble making it into mainline StepMania)
StepMania SSC Changelog:
20110329 -------- * [ScreenEdit] Changed sample playback button to L. [AJ] * [ScreenGameplay] Announcers say combo messages again. [AJ] 20110402 -------- * Fix a crash (issue 247) when exiting Practice mode from dance-solo, dance-threepanel, and popn-nine (all of which can only have one player). If you find any other modes this crashes on, let us know. [AJ] 20110405 -------- * [ScreenEdit] Allow modifying the #DISPLAYBPM traits in the editor. Look in Edit Song Info to find it. [Wolfman2000] 20110413 -------- * [ScreenSelectMusic] Made score frame into an AutoActor, changed the filename from "score frame p1" to "ScoreFrame P1" for consistency with other elements. [AJ] 20110416 -------- * [PlayerOptions] Added UsingReverse() Lua binding (automatically tests GetReverse() == 1) [AJ] * [PlayerState] Added GetCurrentPlayerOptions() Lua binding [AJ] 20110420 -------- * [CourseContentsList] Fix a crash. [AJ] 20110421 -------- * [ScreenSelectMusic] Changed "Percent Frame p1" to "PercentFrame P1" for consistency. [AJ] * [LifeMeterBattery] Convert Frame to an AutoActor. [AJ] * [ScreenEvaluation] Added RollingNumbersClass metric, allowing for the ability to change which RollingNumbers class is loaded. [AJ] * [ScreenGameplay] Added SongNumberFormat metric. [AJ] 20110422 -------- * [Banner] Added ScrollSpeedDivisor metric; controls the scroll speed of Random/Roulette banners. [AJ] * [FadingBanner] Added BannerRoulette, BannerRandom, and Banner(Custom Item Name) commands. [AJ] 20110423 -------- * [CourseLoaderCRS] Fixed loading of Player's Best/Most Played courses, probably others too. [AJ] * [ScreenGameplaySyncMachine] Fixed a crash when entering ScreenGameplaySyncMachine as Player 2. (Fixes issue 127) [AJ] * [ScreenOptionsEditCourse] Fixed a crash when going to the first row. (Fixes issue 235) [AJ] * [SongManager] Added GetCourseGroupNames Lua binding. [AJ] 20110428 -------- * [BeginnerHelper] Various changes: [AJ] * Changed Player_#X/Y metrics to Player#X/Y metrics for consistency. * Converted the background to an AutoActor. * [BPMDisplay] Added SetFromSong Lua binding. [AJ] 20110430 -------- * [ScreenOptions] Renamed "ScreenOptions LineHighlight" to "ScreenOptions LineHighlight P#", making it load per-player. [AJ] * [OptionRow] Added Text param to RefreshMessageCommand. [AJ] * [ScreenOptions] Added SelectMultipleMessageCommand, ChangeValueMessageCommand. [AJ] * [UnlockEntry] Added GetCourse, GetCode Lua bindings. [AJ] * [UnlockManager] Added UnlockRequirement_NumUnlocked enum. [AJ] * [Song] Added Origin (#ORIGIN tag in .ssc) [AJ] * [UnlockManager] Added GetPoints(UnlockRequirement), GetPointsForProfile(Profile,UnlockRequirement) Lua bindings. [AJ] * [Course] Added #SCRIPTER tag and GetScripter Lua binding. [AJ] |
Download: StepMania SSC v1.2.5
Source: Here
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