
SPU2-X SVN r4662

SPU2-X SVN r4662 is released. SPU2-X is a pcsx2 sound plugin for PCSX2.

SPU2-X SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Configuration for the output volume in the settings dialog. And it works, too! :P
- Replaced the reverb boost control with a selector for normal reverb or a new mode we call "fake reverb".
- This new mode (coded by gigaherz) is intended as an alternative for the only partially working "normal reverb".
- The new mode will have to be tuned yet to sound good.

Download: SPU2-X SVN r4662
Source: Here


  1. What will allow faster game-play with high custom resolution? or 5x or 6x native resolution? Is it video card? or software based?

  2. I think the problem may still lie in either the lack of or problems with implementing proper multi-core support.

    PCSX2, I think is still more or less a dual core app. CPU clock rates haven't really changed in years, so there's not a lot to be done.

    I wonder if anyone who has a superclocked machine (anything in the region of 4ghz has any incite on performance.

  3. @ #3: I have a 4.9Ghz Sandy Bridge and pretty much all games that I`ve tested run at constant 60fps.

    Even Shadow of the Colossus runs fast (was very slow on my Core 2 Duo 3.6Ghz) only dropping to mid 50s in cinematic sequences.

  4. I have a 2.8 i7 920, even with hyper-thread and multi-core disabled. PCSX2 runs at 60fps. Only using 50% of that single core, But with my video card running at a constant 100%.

  5. @ #5 You probably is using DX internal resolutions above 3x native... at least it`s the only way I could stress my card to 100%.

    IMHO there's very little image quality to gain using resolutions that high...

  6. Even at stock turbo speeds 3.7ghz or so, sandy bridge was a huge performance increase from an e8400 at 3ghz.


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