Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator v3.22.051 is released.
Speak & Spell 1978 simulator is a Japanese
Speak&Spell simulator for Windows and X680x0.
Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator for Windows´ is produced by SHRINE FIELD(as Miyavoux), released and distributed by MIYAVOUX.COM/.NET only. Do not redistribute the application and the archive file. If you break off the agreement, you cannot continue to use the application, and in your country and area. Now, it is impossible to download the correct archive in countries of Poland and Polish language. Because those countries had broken the rule of no redistribution.
Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator v3.22.051 Changelog:--Updated the HTML manual.(Ver.3.22 or later)
--Extended the limit day for use.(Ver.3.22.051)
Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator v3.22.051Source:
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