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GSdx SVN r4631 is released. GSdx is a GPU plugin for PCSX2.

GSdx SVN Changelog:
GSdx: Bit better hackfix for black, wasn't showing menus and the sniper scopes and also works for PAL 50 and progressive modes now.
Small change to the Metal Gear Solid 3 hackfix. Portraits in codec conversations show now without much of a performance hit, lemme know if this one breaks anything in the game.

Download: GSdx SVN r4631
Source: Here


  1. what about onimusha dawn of dreams? we need fix for that game!

  2. The coders seem content with fixing crappy shooters. Who plays shooters on pcsx2 anyway?! Fix some JRPGs already for God's sake!

  3. Metal Gear Solid 3 is a crappy shooter?
    That's news to me!

  4. Then you haven't been following the news for the last 10 years and Clinton is still the president.

  5. Who cares about JRPGs?
    They should fix racing games

  6. Most of the racing games are multi-plaform and there are plenty for PC so to hell with them.


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