
WinVZ300 (2011/04/12)

WinVZ300 (2011/04/12) is released. WinVZ300 is a windows classic VZ300 Computer emulator.

EmuCR: WinVZ300

WinVZ300 (2011/04/12) Changelog:
The keyboard option "orginal layout" has finally been coded in and working
Mounting Internal/External BASIC / DOS switches coded and now working, adding
option to mount 2K rom cartridge.
tidy up of menu options for BASIC/DOS/CARTRIDGE
Games now look about correct speed and keyboard input problems have been
descovered and resolved.
SHRG coded in and should work now.
added 64K ram option
Joystick port returns correct value now.
Corrected foreground colours for "buff" background (can do this now that
"key-hunt" works).
Paste text now works correctly, (save .txt doesnt work yet).
I have made the emulator automatically upgrades the
RAM as required should opening a .VZ fall outside the addressable memory space,
a friendly messagebox lets you know of this upgrade and the menu options will
reflect the changes.

Download: WinVZ300 (2011/04/12)
Source: Here


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