
Supermodel WIP (2011/04/19)

It's about time for a progress report. Nik Henson submitted a fantastic rewrite of Supermodel's input system for the next version. The new system is extremely robust -- just about anything (keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc.) can be assigned to any Model 3 control. Yes, this means racing games are finally playable with steering wheels! Multiple mice are also supported, meaning Lost World can be played with dual lightguns.

Unfortunately, progress on sound has been slow. I've incorporated an earlier version of ElSemi's SCSP core (muchas gracias!) but haven't yet worked out the details of the PowerPC/68K serial link. Work on Supermodel has slowed down considerably due to real life matters but I still manage to put in a few hours each weekend.

In other news, the excellent Emu Loader frontend has added support for Supermodel.

News Source: Here


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