
OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3342

EmuCR:OpenBOR OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3342 is released. OpenBOR is an official port of the OpenBOR (aka Beats of Rage) beat em up game engine to the Wii. The initial port was done by SX and the current maintainer is Plombo.

In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine. In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the community, and still is to this day.

Heres whats new:
r3342 | sumolx | 2011-04-20 16:06:59 -0400 (Wed, 20 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/LICENSE
M /engine/README
M /engine/build.sh

Added Mac OS X to README and cleaned up whitespaces in LICENSE.
r3341 | sumolx | 2011-04-20 13:46:13 -0400 (Wed, 20 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/version.h
M /tools/borpak/source/borpak.c

filename_valid() should allow tilda and space characters.
r3340 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-14 17:55:30 -0400 (Thu, 14 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/meta.xml

Added subproperty "time" to knockdowncount script access.
r3339 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-14 17:26:48 -0400 (Thu, 14 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/meta.xml

Enabled script access to change knockdowncount property. Sub properties are enumerated (identical to get; see previous build).
r3338 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-14 16:56:02 -0400 (Thu, 14 Apr 2011) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/version.h

Enumerated knockdowncount script access (get only):
~"current": Current knockdowncount. Default return if subproperty not provided.
~"max": Model knockdowncount setting.

r3337 | plombo | 2011-04-11 15:31:29 -0400 (Mon, 11 Apr 2011) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Interpreter.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Parser.c

Changed some char* parameters in List.c to const char* and removed some casts.

Also, handle FUNCDECL instructions in Interpreter_CompileInstructions and Interpreter_EvalInstruction.

r3336 | plombo | 2011-04-11 13:30:04 -0400 (Mon, 11 Apr 2011) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/Makefile
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Instruction.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Instruction.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Interpreter.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Interpreter.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.h
D /engine/source/scriptlib/SolidList.c
D /engine/source/scriptlib/SolidList.h

Move solidlist functionality back into List. This makes list solidification much less painful.

r3335 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-08 16:42:33 -0400 (Fri, 08 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/meta.xml

Fixed accidental string omissions that broke script access to several entity properties.
r3334 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-08 12:22:58 -0400 (Fri, 08 Apr 2011) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/Makefile
M /engine/build.bat
M /engine/build.sh
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openbor.h
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/openborscript.h
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/sdl/control.c
M /engine/sdl/control.h
M /engine/sdl/hankaku.h
M /engine/sdl/joysticks.c
M /engine/sdl/joysticks.h
M /engine/sdl/loadgl.c
M /engine/sdl/loadgl.h
M /engine/sdl/menu.c
M /engine/sdl/menu.h
M /engine/sdl/opengl.c
M /engine/sdl/opengl.h
M /engine/sdl/sblaster.c
M /engine/sdl/sblaster.h
M /engine/sdl/sdlport.c
M /engine/sdl/sdlport.h
M /engine/sdl/timer.c
M /engine/sdl/vga.h
M /engine/sdl/video.c
M /engine/sdl/video.h
M /engine/source/adpcmlib/adpcm.c
M /engine/source/adpcmlib/adpcm.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/anigif.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/anigif.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/bitmap.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/bitmap.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/borendian.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/draw.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/draw.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/draw16.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/draw32.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/filters.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/filters.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/font.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/font.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/loadimg.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/loadimg.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/packfile.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/packfile.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/palette.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/palette.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/pixelformat.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/screen.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/screen.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/screen16.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/screen32.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/soundmix.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/soundmix.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/sprite.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/spritef.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/spriteq.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/spriteq.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/spritex8p16.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/spritex8p32.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/texture.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/texture.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/texture16.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/texture32.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/timer.h
M /engine/source/gamelib/types.h
M /engine/source/gfxlib/2xSaI.c
M /engine/source/gfxlib/bilinearmmx.asm
M /engine/source/gfxlib/dotmatrix.c
M /engine/source/gfxlib/gfx.c
M /engine/source/gfxlib/gfx.h
M /engine/source/gfxlib/gfxtypes.h
M /engine/source/gfxlib/hq2x.h
M /engine/source/gfxlib/lq2x.h
M /engine/source/gfxlib/tv2x.c
M /engine/source/globals.h
M /engine/source/pcxlib/savepcx.c
M /engine/source/pcxlib/savepcx.h
M /engine/source/preprocessorlib/pp_lexer.c
M /engine/source/preprocessorlib/pp_lexer.h
M /engine/source/preprocessorlib/pp_parser.c
M /engine/source/preprocessorlib/pp_parser.h
M /engine/source/ramlib/ram.c
M /engine/source/ramlib/ram.h
M /engine/source/randlib/rand32.c
M /engine/source/randlib/rand32.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/FirstFollow.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Instruction.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Instruction.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Interpreter.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Interpreter.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Lexer.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Lexer.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Parser.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Parser.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/ParserSet.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/ParserSet.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Productions.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/ScriptVariant.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/ScriptVariant.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Stack.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/Stack.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/StackedSymbolTable.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/StackedSymbolTable.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/SymbolTable.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/SymbolTable.h
M /engine/source/scriptlib/depends.h
M /engine/source/stringptr.c
M /engine/source/stringptr.h
M /engine/source/stristr.c
M /engine/source/stristr.h
M /engine/source/utils.c
M /engine/source/utils.h
M /engine/version.h

~Staydown entity array moved to struct.
~Staydown script access enumerated.
~References to BSD license (which we don't use) removed to avoid confusion.
r3333 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-08 09:42:55 -0400 (Fri, 08 Apr 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/codeblocks/OpenBOR.Windows.layout
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/version.h

Finished alphabetizing openbor_changeentityproperty() property case statement.
r3332 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-07 15:33:57 -0400 (Thu, 07 Apr 2011) | 16 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/meta.xml

~Enumerated maps property for script access (get only at this time):

Count: Total maps entity has available.
current: Current remap in use.
default: Map entity spawned into play with.
dying: Map entity uses for dying flash.
dying_critical: % of HP when entity begins to flash more rapidly.
dying_low: % of HP when entity starts dying flash.
frozen: Entity’s fmap.
hide_end: End range of maps hidden during player’s select screen.
hide_start: Start range of maps hidden during player’s select screen.
ko: Map assumed when entity is defeated.
kotype: 0 = KO map applied immediately on KO. 1 = Applied on last frame of fall/death animation.
table: Color table currently in use.
time: Time set by forcemap.

r3331 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-07 14:35:56 -0400 (Thu, 07 Apr 2011) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/LICENSE
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openbor.h
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.c
M /engine/source/scriptlib/List.h

~Color map elements moved to struct.
~openbor_changeentityproperty property case alphabetized up to freeze time.
~Fixed license formatting.
~Removed sub license (not permitted by global license).
r3330 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-05 16:54:55 -0400 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openbor.h
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/version.h

~Guardpoints, Icon, Jugglepoints, Sight and Stealth arrays moved to structs.
~Flash, Icon, and Staydown property script access enumerated.
~Opebor_getentityproperty() property case statement reordered alphabetically.
r3329 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-04 23:31:45 -0400 (Mon, 04 Apr 2011) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml
M /engine/version.h

Fix grabbing property (reversed with grabforce in version http://lavalit.com:8080/websvn/listing.php?repname=OpenBOR&rev=3317)

r3328 | damon_caskey | 2011-04-03 10:50:15 -0400 (Sun, 03 Apr 2011) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/resources/Info.plist
M /engine/resources/meta.xml

gfx_x_offset - X screen draw adjustment.
gfx_y_offset_adj - Added to gfx_y_offset (modders would not see any result from adjusting gfx_y_offset directly as it is reset on each update)

Following enabled for script access (change/openborvariant)

Download: OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3342
Source: Here


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