Caanoo-MSX v1.1.2 is released. Caanoo-MSX is a port on Caanoo of my previous Wiz port version. All those improvements are now part of this new caanoo version. The Caanoo part of this package is under GPL Copyright. Original fMSX code is under "Marat Fayzullin's license". fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers. It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix. It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.
Caanoo-MSX v1.1.2 changelog:
- USB Joystick support !
(up to two players if you got a Twin USB joystick adapter
or if you use Caanoo Pad + one USB joystick)
- Overclock support and default cpu clock when exiting the emu
- global disk / rom files location
- Rom file selector bug fix
- Add F10 key in Danzeff keyboard
- New title icon from Mospaedax
- improve speed limiter accuracy
From Pixador dingux mods :
- Updated the Z80 emulation to the latest fMSX one
- Emulation of M1 cycles: R register is now fully emulated and cycles are more accurate.
- Fixed joystick emulation: joystick 2 must not be a copy of joystick 1
- Fixed color 0 in MSX2 sprites
- Fixed color palette for Screen 8 sprites
- Full color depth in Screen 8
- Fixed initial memory mapping for ASCII8 and ASCII16 megaroms
- New megarom type: RTYPE
- Megarom detection with SHA1 checksum with file carts.sha (based on Cax mod)
- Tweaked the built-in megarom type detection to improve its accuracy
- Added setting to force a specific megarom type
- FM-PAC is not loaded if FM emulation disabled
- Sound is shut down when the MSX is reset
- New Render modes: "zoomed" and "fullscreen" (based on Cax mod)
- More accurate speed limiter
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Download: Caanoo-MSX v1.1.2
Source: Here
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