
Robbie Dox WIP - Who?... Who?... Whores?... (NSFW) (2011/03/30)

Who?... Who?... Whores?... (NSFW)

This time, the victim is Major Poker, from PAL System (Osaka, Japan). The game is a SUPERB strip poker 'alla' Lucky'74, but with better whores graphics system (8bpp, interleaved by columns, and other rarities). The hardware is a hell of PLD's with banked RAM, ROM, multiplexed inputs and much more... This game also has an addictive Fever mode.

Special thanks to Tomasz Slanina, that made a superb job helping with graphics and banking, and Rob Ragon for his invaluable help providing hardware specs, measurements, and some videos for comparison.

Here some snaps...

EmuCR: Robbie Dox WIP - Who?... Who?... Whores?... (NSFW)

News Source: Here


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