
FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection Special Edition arrives April 22nd (2011/03/02)

As if PSP owners don't already have enough to look forward to with The 3rd Birthday and DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY both releasing in the next month or so, we're announcing today that FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection will be available in Europe on April 22nd! Not only that, but it will come in another awesome Special Edition package with a bunch of extra goodies available inside, as you can see below.

EmuCR: FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection Special Edition arrives April 22nd

In case you're unaware, FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection is a remade version of FINAL FANTASY IV and its sequel THE AFTER YEARS, especially for the PSP. It features improved graphics and music, as well as full CG cut scenes and a brand new gameplay scenario that links together the FINAL FANTASY IV story with THE AFTER YEARS.

EmuCR: FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection Special Edition arrives April 22nd

The special edition of the game features a similar fold-out box to DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY, as you can see above, and contains a selection of high quality art cards, a PSP screen cloth featuring FINAL FANTASY IV character artwork and a piece of DLC for DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY. We'll be announcing what exactly the DLC will be in the near future, so keep checking Square Enix Members to find out...

News Source: Here


  1. This has nothing to do with emulators. Why post this?

  2. Because everybody knows the Final Fantasy franchise has to be milked some more.

  3. some link to the game screens or something like that should appers here


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