aLoader v1.25 is released. aLoader is a plugin for 6.20-TN HEN. This plugin allows run ISOs from XMB.
Changelog: aload v1.25 • now shows ISOs on the right place (PSP Go internal/memory stick) • fixed: runs ISOs again from internal memory (PSP Go) • new autosort mode 4 (sorts PSX-Games). You can combine Mode 1 (ISO), Mode 2 (EBOOT) and Mode 4 (PSX-Game) with addition. E.g. 1+4 for ISOs and PSX-Games -» autosort=5. aload v1.2 * the aloader_game.prx is no longer needed (if you can delete the updated aloader_game.prx and also remove from the game.txt) * the ISO size is now shown. * ISOs can be deleted directly from the XMB (special case Game Categories: here ) * the Button is no longer used * with the Now you'll get a menu (see above) * aLoader.conf AutoSort new option. This can define that the last started GAME appears first in the XMB list - AutoSort = 1: ISOs are sorted - AutoSort = 2: EBOOTSs be sorted - AutoSort = 3: 1 +2 - AutoSort = 0: off (default) * aLoader.conf default_drives new option. This lets you set the driver that is used when one has not yet set - default_drives = M33: M33 driver - default_drives =: NP9660 * Open Support Idea - just the OIP folder to / PSP / SYSTEM copy (not the isoctrl.prx in the register vsh.txt) and then select the menu Open Idea * fixed: pause and resume (PSP) should work now aload v1.1 - fixed: strange display as "Defective data" of some ISOs - fixed: TempAR working again (You may have also affected other Cheatingtools). - fixed: ISOs can be sorted with PSP Filer aload v1.0 - fixed some bugs do not know (exactly what ) - ISO Tool Launcher is no longer used. Now use your own. - the ISO path is now customizable (more below) - can 2 different ISO-paths (possibly go-owners conduct the second path on the M2 stick - not tested; have no Go) - Compatible with Game Categories Light - Game Categories Light is used when the categorized ISOs - variable category for all un-categorized ISOs aload 0.2Beta now ICON0, icon1, Pic0, etc. ISO file name exceeding 31 characters is no longer a problem . ISO or. Iso fixed (case == does not matter) aload 0.1Beta - first public version Installation: From version 1.0, the installation has changed somewhat. All necessary files are located in the "aload". The point where you can grab you like. My recommendation copied to the folder "seplugins". In the archive you can find and also _vsh.txt _go_vsh.txt. Rename the file to vsh.txt vsh.txt easy to copy or if the content to the existing ones. If it saves the aload folder elsewhere, then you have the paths accordingly. Settings: As I mentioned in the changelog, I use a separate launcher. This saves the driver mode. To change the driver, just think when you start the left Shultertaste ( ) Key. In the menu you can then select the driver. aLoader.conf New is the file in aLoader.conf aload folder. Here you have 6 options: eg iso_path = ms0: / myISOs / iso_path2 = ms0: / extraISOs / will show, and starts ISOs, which are located in these folders. There are also two category options. More on that. Light Game Categories A lot of work I put in the category support. aload detects whether you have activated the "Game Categories Light" plug-in and automatically switches to the category mode. If the work does not have time or want to switch off the mode, then in the option aLoader.conf force_categories. force_categories = 0 switches the mode force_categories = 1 switches the mode to always (without the "Game Categories Light" plugin then you will get "corrupted data") As games are categorized? To do this you have 3 options just place the ISO folder to the appropriate subfolder. appointed by the ISOs in the form "MeineCategory@datei.iso" around. Everything up to "@" then the categorylink for the 3rd Way you use the aLoader.conf again. with, for example, "default_category = meineISOs" is a category "meineISOs" created. There are all purely ISOs which do not fall under Item 1 and 2. It is not a problem categories to merge. If your example, a "real" category have created (eg / PSP / GAMES / CAT /...), then you can also ISOs for 'CAT' lane. There will be both "real" (EBOOT.PBP) and the ISOs appear in the "CAT" category. PS: A request to the NEWS Schreiber: Upload the archive does not "find any" high. Please give my link to. He is always "on" and always current PS-2: Would be nice if someone made me my instructions might call readme.txt (German and English maybe even other languages) ardi |
Download: aLoader v1.25
Source: Here
Thanks a lot for new update! Great work=)