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EmuCR:UnrealSpeccyUnrealSpeccy v0.37.5 is released. UnrealSpeccy is a high-performance and rich features ZX-Spectrum emulator for WinNT platform.

UnrealSpeccy v0.37.5 Changelog:
* Fixed handling checkbox Port FF
* Fixed a reset in trdos for ATM2 / 3 (was spoiled when you add memory ATM3)
! Fixed condition codes for the team Dx in VG93 (bits processed backwards)
! Fixed handling of the team Dx in VG93 (after this command has not been updated status was spoiled in the last version)
* Fixed redaktirvoanie field intlen in gui (before the preset is not changed to custom)
+ Added a choice of memory size for ngs (through the ini file)
* Fixed handling of commands read VG93 mode no delays (in the RDS earned para analyze track)
* Fixed inability to edit the port expansion memory in the debugger (was marred when one of the earlier versions) (witchcraft)
* Fixed support for NT4
+ Added filter for 1x mode 16c (pentagon and ATM1/2/3)
+ Added option to zoom the window (winscale, with ini file)
+ Added a new output driver through direct 3d 9
(Hardware scaling, without blurring the picture, with the selected filter is normal
and winscale 2 or 3)

Download: UnrealSpeccy v0.37.5
Source: Here


  1. Nichole is having an attack of yellow frog or the images is my impression, since you're already doing a great job congratulations


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