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EmuCR: SaveGame Manager GXSaveGame Manager GX SVN r97 is released. SaveGame Manager GX SVN is a SaveGame & Mii Manager for the Wii with GUI based on LibWiiGui by Tantric,

SDHC and USB2 support
Protected save support
Mii Support
Multilanguage support with Custom Font
WiiTDB support
Display information about savegames/miis in a special windows
Extract, Install, Delete, Copy, Move fonctions are available
Online AutoUpdate
Widesreen support

SaveGame Manager GX SVN Changelog:
* Reworked the whole sound system. Supported formats AIF/MP3/OGG/BNS/WAV now
with no file size limit (streaming)
* Changed button click/over sounds to wav from raw pcm
* Added BgMusic Class, you can now set your own Background music in the Sound
Settings Window
- Click on BgMusic Path button to set your background music
- Click on BgMusic Loop button to set the music play type:
1 - PlayOnce: play the selected sound one time,
2 - Loop: play the selected sound in an infinite loop,
3 - RandomPlay: play randomly sounds contained in the selected file's
4 - DirectoryLoop: play sounds contained in the selected file's folder in
an infinite loop.
- Click on Reset BgMusic button to reload default music

Download: SaveGame Manager GX SVN r97
Source: Here


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