Zero v0.4.6 is released. Zero is a Spectrum Emulator for Windows. Zero is the new Ziggy. Ziggy is a ZX Spectrum emulator written in C# on the .Net platform. It currently emulates the 48k and 128k models with a very high degree accuracy.
Ziggy currently sports the following features:
* 100% accurate... oh ok then, highly accurate 48k and 128 emulation. Not kidding. ;)
* Support for both the beeper and multi-channel AY sound.
* DirectX and GDI support. Works best with DirectX though. :)
* Support for snapshots (sna, szx, z80) and tapes (pzx, tzx, tap, csw)
* Save screenshots from emulator in bmp, png, gif and jpeg format.
* Debugger with stepping facility.
* Tape browser with support for accelerated loading via various (read 2) means.
* Ability to run files from command line, drag and drop. If file associations are enabled,
double-clicking from explorer will launch Ziggy.
* Supports issue 2 keyboards, late timings and a host of other speccy idiosyncracies.
* Full screen mode.
* ULA Plus support.
Zero v0.4.6 Changelog:
Switched to a more consistent set of icons.
Added display of information for standard data tape blocks.
Added Sound to options menu. Stereo/Mono, Enable AY for 48k options added.
Added Program Finder to allow downloading of programs, scans, docs etc directly from WoS archives.
Added Stereo ACB and ABC mode selection to Sound options.+ Added ability to play AY sound in 48k mode.
Added support for Spectrum 128ke.
Switched to Consolas as default font for Monitor. If font isn’t found on user machine, default font is used.
Fixed edge loading. Now faster and better and can handle most if not all tape loaders.
Fixed zoom level discrepancy (>50%)
Fixed data length displayed for standard data blocks
Fixed crash when a ROM couldn’t be located at startup and user tried to exit.
Fixed Spectrum 128k model incorrectly trying to load 128ke rom.
Some keyboard shortcuts have been moved around, noticeably for the window sizing functions (see ReadMe for details).
Fixed tape insert behaviour. Now, trying to insert a tape automatically ejects previous tape
Fixed crash when attempting to load a 128k tape in a 48k machine.
Fixed crash when the next button on tape browser is pressed repeatedly past end of tape.
Fixed Auto Rewind. Now tapes wrap around correctly.
Download: Zero v0.4.6
Source: Here
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