
nullDC optimized SVN r109

EmuCR: nullDCnullDC optimized SVN r109 is released. This is an optimized build. nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast(DC) and NAOMI videogame systems emulator for Microsoft Windows. nullDC runs several Dreamcast games at good speed, with full sound and music. NullDC requires the latest version of Microsoft DirectX, the latest Visual C++ runtime libraries and optionally WinPcap for modem emulation. As usual for emulators, a dump of the original console BIOS is also needed. It has a plugin architecture, with several alternative implementations (some ported from Chankast) for graphics, sound, reading games burned to CD-ROMs (it cannot read GD-ROMs directly) or disk image files, memory cards, etc.

nullDC SVN Changelog:
Revision summary:

-Cleanups / fixes
-removed warnings
+Fully embedded the new logging system
+Added NO_VERIFY def
+Added optimized build configuration

How to compile the optimized build:
Open with your favorite text editor the following files :


Look for : "#undef NO_VERIFY" (in types.h) and replace it with : #define NO_VERIFY
Look for : "#define DEFAULT_LOGGING" (logging_interface.h) and replace it with : #undef DEFAULT_LOGGING

Set build settings to "Release-NoTrace" then , save everything and compile.

If you do the above , you'll notice a big difference in the block compile times and the overall performance of
the emulator.

:| |:

Download: nullDC optimized SVN r109
Source: Here


  1. Only naomi optimized, or the standard nullDC also?

  2. Cool! Thanks Nichole. I'll most certainly update my version if this has several optimizations in place. Dreamcast emulators sure have come a long way and this is the best one by a long shot.

  3. thank you soo much nichole...keep up

  4. Where exactly do I find those files?


  5. So I need to download the source code, and then move it to the r109 folder? Or do I already have access to these files somewhere?


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