
New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project (2010/12/09)

Recenty I recall that I have already emulator able to run OneBus dumps and capable of displaying extra PPU features. So you can see all these broken in fceumm games from DreamGear console. Here is an emulator made by company created OneBus system. It's called EmuVT. Here clean binary dump of DreamGear console, which you can feed to the emulator as is and play all games almost without any problems. Here some screenshots too. Enjoy. Theoretically, this emulator can play any of OneBus ROM dumps from most of OneBus consoles. For example, previous 100-in-1 dump will work too if you strip binary from UNIF file.
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project
EmuCR: New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - FAMI Dumping project

Source: cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru


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