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EmuCR:WiiXplorer WiiXplorer SVN r207 is released. WiiXplorer is a multi-device file explorer for the Wii with a GUI made with libwiigui (by Tantric) and with graphics by NeoRame.

WiiXplorer SVN changelog:
*Language file update
*Fix for issue 451

New file systems support: EXT2/EXT3/EXT4
I ported libext2fs for the Wii/GC for all the Linux lovers out there :P. It is
based on the source of libntfs and is build up in a similar way.
The source code for the port can be found under this SVN repository:

This is an initial release for the libext2fs-wii port (v1.0.0). Even though I
did several tests by now, it might still have bugs/issues in it. Until it is
further tested use with cautious and on your own risk, especially the
write/delete feature.
I will create a WiiBrew page for it later. If someone wants to go ahead and make
one, feel free to do so :P (I am a bit low on free time currently).

Download: WiiXplorer SVN r207
Source: Here


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