
nullDC-Naomi SVN r95

EmuCR: nullDCnullDC-Naomi SVN r95 is released. nullDC-Naomi is an open source NAOMI Arcade System Emulator. It will NOT run Dreamcast games.

nullDC-Naomi SVN Changelog:
Revision summary:
-Changes in logging system with the ability to rollback
to the original console-logging.
-logWrite macro changed to log(format,va_args) and logEx(field,format,va_args)
-*.hpp <- *.h , \\ <- /
-Removed warnings
-Type conversion fixes.
There's still a lot of work to be done here..Especially in template handling
which could affect generated code(if not already.. which is what i believe).

Revision notes (programmers):
To rollback to original logging method that you're used to , open log/logging.h
and replace "#undef DEFAULT_LOGGING" with "#define DEFAULT_LOGGING".

Revision notes (end users):
For maximum performance it is recommended to leave logging disabled.
If you encounter a bug , enable it to provide the call trace.
--chd compressed gdrom image support
--minnor cleanups
woops, forgot to commit these renamed files !

Download: nullDC-Naomi SVN r95
Source: Here


  1. Thanks a lot, is there a way to avoid that entering a credit gives 9 credits automatically on Naomi games?


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