Virtual ADAM v1.03 is released.
Virtual ADAM is a Windows graphical front-end for the DIS emulator ADAMem that is built around DosBox. It's written in Visual Basic and makes it a great way to run ADAMem in Windows XP, Vista and probably 7 without any problems (like the audio and USB controller recognition). You can run ADAMem either fullscreen or in a window. You can change ADAM peripherals, insert disks and tapes into the drives or ColecoVision cartridges into Cart Slot, edit disks and tapes with a decimal editor. It can separate by CP/M, EOS, Bootable, Non-Bootable, Cartridge, etc... It supports long filenames, when you highlight a title it displays notes, screenshots, a catalog of the file in the image, you can then click on the file name to open it in Windows, etc... You can also produce custom images for SmartBasic and some other programs.
Virtual ADAM v1.03 Changelog:This is the final version (barring any bug discoveries) of the Virtual ADAM front end for the ADAMem emulator. It utilizes DOSBox and clears up most of the problems associated with running ADAMem in Windows XP or Vista. This version has built in documentation, clears up some bugs in the previous version, and has its own installation program.
Virtual ADAM v1.03Source:
How does one configure the controllers?