
SNES9x v4.3.4 for PS3

EmuCR:SNES9x for PS3SNES9x v4.3.4 for PS3 is released. Developer eiz has ported SNES9X — a Super Nintendo Emulator — to the PS3.

Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x ( SNES emulator ) on PS3.

New / fixed :


- Complete rewrite of the code for the controller ( see cellpad.cpp / cellpadutil.h ) .
Theoretically , the lag should be less now thanks to the hard coding of the loop read_pad . Now the number of controllers connected and verified.
- Adding new features such as cellPadUtilButtonPressed cellPadUtilButtonReleased and that can be used in various ways.
* The left analog stick is now mapped to the directional pad .
* The left analog stick is now working on the navigation menu for ROMs faster than the D -Pad .
* Files in the directory ROM are now listed in alphabetical order ( cmonkey69 )
* The browser will return to the last ROM directory explored after leaving a ROM
* The shortcut 'Quit ROM ' now uses the combination of R3 + L3
* The version did not display 480p from 480p but 576p , 576p mode because of who was forced PARAM.SFO . The problem is now fixed .
* Removed the option 'Load ROM PAL 'with the Triangle button . This option is not working as it should.


- Support Multitap . Start a ROM with the Triangle button from the menu exploration ROM. It works with all controllers PS3/USB . You can plug / unplug the fly and it is not necessary that everyone connected to the launch of the game
- Change SoundInputRate of 31,942 to 31,960 . This should fix the sound problems with games such as Demon's Crest Super Metroid and generally improve the sound on all games.
- Remove the hack that returns to the XMB after loading a 4th drive. This hack was created to hide a big bug that no longer seems to be present.
- If you leave a ROM with a combination L3 + R3 , you can return to the game from the menu exploration ROM through the combination L2 + R2.

Download: SNES9x v4.3.4 for PS3


  1. Thank you so much foor Good Work.
    Very good Snes emu for ps3.


  2. Thank you so much foor Good Work.
    Very good Snes emu for PSP.



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