
XRoar v0.24

XRoar v0.24 is released.XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v0.24 Changelog:
* Improved ALSA sound module.
* SDL video module fixes.
* Use target-specific threading code in SDL audio on Windows.
* Special "-tapehack" mode to rewrite tidied CAS files.
* Search worldofdragon.org ROM filenames.
* More accurate slow-to-fast SAM transitions.
* NDS: bring up to date with new libnds.
* NDS: faster video, audio fixes, better file requester.
* NDS: sleep while lid is closed.
* Support direct loading of DragonDOS binaries.
* Implement remaining known illegal instructions.

Download:XRoar v0.24


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