
Rarto360 v3.1

EmuCR:Rarto360 Rarto360 v3.1 is released. Rarto360 is an Exiso(info).exe Gui Front End that allows you to extract 360 games from RAR or ISO to 360 via FTP.

Simple app -- if using RAR, it will extract the ISO from the archive then transfer ISO contents on the fly to the 360, then rename the $SystemUpdate folder. If using ISO it will just extract on the fly and again, rename the $SystemUpdate folder.
IPB Image

** For FSD2 compatibility "360 Game Directory" must contain leading forward slash! /hdd1/games/ not hdd1/games/ **
** Spaces are allowed anywhere besides in the ISO name **
** 0 byte file transfer on systems with multiple network connections, see known issues **

Releases prior to 2.8: RAR batches were not properly renaming $SystemUpdate (apologies) please manually delete them.

Feel free to post bugs/concerns and questions.

Enjoy =)

Version log:

v3.1: added queue viewer. game name now clears and gets focus after adding to queue. updated status window
v3: added batch support. changed bat files to cmd files so they close on their own.
v2.8: fixed space/no space bug, spaces allowed anywhere besides in the ISO file name.
fixed rar batch file !! ALL rips prior to 2.8 using RAR method will still have $SystemUpdate Folder !!
v2.7: applications path may now contain spaces (ex: c:\my folder\RarTo360\")
v2.6 : fixed version number and added button to link to this thread for questions /help / updates
v2.5: corrected log file error in rartoiso.bat
v2.2-4: more bugfixes, added option to select a iso from a directory
v2.1: bugfixes, thanks 1hotjob
v2: Created Gui

Known Issues:

• Transfer stops on first uploaded file with 0 bytes shown on 360 is usually a networking issue.
- check your settings and make sure you dont have firewall on or that you dont have anything in your hosts.ini file that would block it.
- If using multiple network connections try disabling all but the one you are using to transfer
• FTP fails on FSD2 - use leading forward slash in 360 game directory (/hdd1/games/)
• Spaces are NOT allowed in ISO name - limitation of exiso.exe not RarTo360
• exiso.exe being detected as a virus is a false positive, see full scan report here.
• $SystemUpdate folder is renamed, not removed - to be added on future update.
• Rar transfers prior to 2.8 will still have $SystemUpdate folder **

Download: Rarto360 v3.1


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