
Dolphin SVN r6164

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r6164 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator.It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. OpenCL is enabled in this build.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Fixed some race conditions with PPC exceptions and external interrupts.
This may help fixing issues related to video interrupts handling.
- Fixed TimeBase and Decrementer registers so that they are updated only when needed
- Fixed RTC for GC homebrews
GCPad/Wiimote New (ControllerInterface): Some tweaks to the DirectInput code. (fix for a random gamepad which didn't work)
stop trying to patch out OSProtectRange calls
DVD Interface forces alignment, and rejects writes to DICFG
fake /dev/stm/eventhook ... makes libogc shutup a bit
hackfix dsp reset: fixes zelda collector's edition and some other games which reset and hang (...are there any others?)
the problem was that the streaming audio interrupts were still being triggered, causing the game to try and jump to an invalid interrupt handler. The code for dsp lle looks like a hack :( (but it works)
improve ios hle error handling.
remove stubbed devices. they now fall back to the base device class, which reports the device as not available.
fixes issue 3137.
start ios fd counting at 0 instead of 0x13370000. I know it's sad, but it fixes homebrew booting and such.

Download:Dolphin SVN r6164 x86
Download:Dolphin SVN r6164 x64


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