
iPlayer GBA Emulator v1.1

iPlayer GBA Emulator v1.1 is released. iPlayer GBA Emulator is a Gameboy Advance (GBA) emulator for Nintendo DS by darkchen.

How to use iPlayer GBA Emulator:
1st, Make sure the fireware and OS of your iPlayer is the lastest version
2nd, There are CHT/ENG 2 emulators in the zip file. Install the one which fit your iPlayer
3rd, Copy the whole NDS-GBA folder and files into /_system/

iPlayer GBA Emulator v1.1 Changelog:
Added support popular cheat code file *.cht.
Fixed some GUI bugs
Added turn off down screen save power
Fixed some firmware bugs.

Download: iPlayer GBA Emulator v1.1


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