
PSX/N64 Emulators for Wii/Gamecube News

An interesting news item from emulatemii

It’s been a while since we’ve said much about what’s going on behind the scenes in terms of general progress and development, so here we are, filling you all in on what we’ve been working on.

In terms of WiiSX progress, we’re nearing the beta 2 milestone we have had in mind for a few months now. The majority of features and bug fixes we have had planned are nearing completion. To be specific, WiiSX beta 2 will encompass a feature rich graphical user interface much like that seen in Wii64 and in the preview video posted below. Some other important features to note include newly ported CDR, Sound and input plugins, boasting features such as dual shock, configurable controllers, clear crisp audio and a good range of CD image support, including subchannel data. Most of the features have been implemented, but we are currently ironing out some show stopping bugs such as seen in certain Capcom fighter games.

On the Wii64 front, we managed to finish migrating the private SVN commits to the public googlecode repository up to Beta 1.1 Honey, so now you can see all of the individual commits and work that went into the last version. Since the last release, we’ve made some progress with bugfixes in the code, but we have larger plans ahead of us for the next beta in order to increase speed and compatibility. Once WiiSX beta 2 is out, we are looking forward to giving Wii64 some more of the TLC it deserves.

Here’s one last juicy tidbit for you all… There’s yet another emulator that the Wii64Team has been longing to see on the GC/Wii, so we’ve started working on a port in our spare time, and we’re hoping that it will arrive in all of your Homebrew Channels later this year. Kudos to anyone who can guess the platform (although we’re not promising to confirm if you’re right…)

Source: emulatemii.com


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