
PCSX2 SVN r3123

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r3123 is released. PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
spu2-x: Slap the Linux port back together a bit.
Readd a line back in.
Removed several legacy items from the bin folder (used in 0.9.6, unneeded for 0.9.7's uber-'leet wx-ified user interface design)
* Added new 0.9.7 readme and FAQ (located in /bin so to be package-ready)
* NSIS Installer: Added 09.7 docs to the package, and create shortcut links to readme and FAQ.
* removed old 0.9.6 docs and gnu_gettext.dll (no longer needed in 0.9.7)
Removed from GSDX Build (VS2010 side) residues of CG/OpenGL/Glew etc...
Added in the GSDX Build (VS2010 side) the proper link to the DirectX libraries
Updated the GSDXGui project to VS2010.
New generic Skip MPEG gamefix that lets you skip videos in games to avoid hanging.
This will replace the many sceMpegIsEnd patches we currently have.
Thanks to pseudonym for coding the recompiler version of this gamefix.

Essentially what it does is, the EE recompiler finds the pattern of code used to check if an MPEG is finished, and then recompiles code to say that it is finished.
This will work for most Videos/FMV's in games, but its possible that some games don't use the same library functions for videos so the correct pattern won't be detected; and therefore the videos will not be skipped.
NSIS Installer:
* Add the major/minor version number to the generated exe's.
* Default to using the HEAD revision for all exe's and plugins in the package, instead of versioning each one independently.
* Update instructions readme to mention use of Eclipse as a NSIS editor and integrated environment.
Added all the katamari games to use the new skipMPEG gamefix in the game database.
The other games in the database that are using skipMPEG patches need to be tested to see if they still even need them...

Download: PCSX2 SVN r3123
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [11 March 2010]


  1. I'm here!! = D

    Please, FIX "Area 51", "Ghost Hunter"," Dead or Alive 2"... really need these games... I love Bass and Gen-Fu, I masturbate everyday thinking of the two!!

    ..Please, FIX to the "Echo Night Beyond'', "Haunting Ground","SILENT HILL ORIGINS", SILENT HILL(Shettered Memories)...
    When cleaning defects..

    Please fix Naruto (Shippuuden) Ultimate Ninja 4. Moar speedz........ Smooth playback of FMVz......

    I am Mr.Stupid ! = D my mother gave me milk cows when I was little, I was cock milk, so I left so stupid ... = D. I am from Burundi, a black foul and poor who have no money to buy a PS2 .... I'm so stupid I ask them to fix that I can play games on PC or other emulators like Dreamcast! = D. I ask them to fix the errors in a page of emulation and not the author's website! = D. Because I am very stupid and yesterday I did poo in the bed ... I want you to waste time fixing stupid games, so I masturbate with them ... = D

    thanks for putting up ... I also want you

  2. WOW u guys have really been a on a roll today.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. do you realize that nobody reads this shit anymore? besides, there are no pcsx2 devs here.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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