CTFtool GUI v4 is released. A new version of CTFTool has been release by homebrew coder patpat. In case you're not familiar with the app, this handy homebrew tool allows you to create and convert CTF themes for your PlayStation Portable. The latest CTFTool update is another bug fix release.
CTFtool GUI v4 Changelog:
- Added Windows Explorer context menu support for RCO | PRX | CTF | PTF | PMF | MPS | TTF | PGF | VAG | WAV | GMO | GMO | GIM | TGA | BMP | PNG | JPG | GIF | ICO | PSD | BIN | GZ | ZL file format right-click menu
- Join the PGF, gim, vag, omg, gmo, mps, zl file type association, direct double-click to open
- Added image processing functions, support GIM | TGA | BMP | PNG | JPG | GIF | ICO | PSD format for the rapid conversion, reset the resolution, indexed color
- Join OMG wave model image extraction / Import module
- Added random picture QUICKLY generated / replace omg wave pattern (wave patterns Have Been ball, boot style wave, wave tilt style, classic style wave)
- Added vag / wav audio Mutual Convert function
- Added mps / pmf Mutual Convert video function
- Added ttf / font PGF Mutual Convert function
- Floating-point value added prx extract / Import function
- Added rco function of conventional resource extraction
- Added boot sound extract / Import function
- Added PGF font information extraction capabilities
- Added PTF package features (CBC special, picture format open only over the two pictures into a folder you can right-fast packaging. Recommend the picture to pi, bp, bg, 01,02,03 or open name, Corresponding preview icon, preview maps, wallpapers)
- Added 01-12.bmp/13-27.bmp pack / unpack functionality (picture format not limited to one or more into the folder with the right to QUICKLY pack)
- Automatically Theme pack in the 01-12.bmp Amendment vshmain.prx the size of the function parameters
- Added theme pack psp Automatically sent to the function and Automatically Detect Whether the installed plug-ins and open CXMB
- Added gzip compression / decompression
- Added zlib compression / decompression
- Fixed 500 rpm led 550 rooms, networking crash bugs
- Added tray bubble tips
- Optimized code to Improve processing speed
- Fixed CTF-extracting file records HAVING empty bug Caused decompression failure
Download: CTFtool GUI v4
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