
DSx86 v0.06 Alpha

EmuCR:DSx86DSx86 v0.06 Alpha is released. DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS. It's purpose is to allow you to run old DOS games on your Nintendo DS game console.

DSx86 v0.06 Alpha Changelog:
This version contains some user interface changes in
addition to various internal changes:

* New keyboard graphics by L.D. Ash from Violation Entertainment.

* The meaning of the debugger G and the NDS B button has been
swapped. Thus, you get the keyboard back after going to the
debugger with the B button, and touching G and v
stays in the debugger screen.

* Shoulder L and R buttons scroll the zoomed
screen horizontally, unless they are mapped to PC keys in the INI file.

* New "HDD led" on the bottom screen, so you can see when
the game accesses the SD card.

* EGA refactoring, as mentioned in the previous blog post.

* A large number of EGA opcodes added, I think I have added
all that had been mentioned in the debug logs I have received.

* The unknown INT10 call in Prince of Persia is now ignored.

* Several TEXT mode opcodes have been added, based on the debug logs.

I planned to have mouse support in this version, but it
turned out to be a much bigger issue than I had thought.
I can't add a partial support, as that might make games
that currently run crash into debugger with an unsupported
mouse INT 33 function. So I'll need to code this properly,
and I think that would take a couple of weekends. So, perhaps
in the next version, but no promises.

I also tested a couple of new games, Swap as was
mentioned in the previous blog post, Simcity demo,
Simcity still has a "division by zero" problem, which does
not happen in DOSBox, so that still needs some work. The
golf game seems to work fine, though. It uses "REALSOUND"
speaker sounds, which I believe means digitized sounds,
and those are not supported properly in DSx86 yet. I might
add support for those if I find a simple way to do that,
but currently it just plays static.
There have been quite a few unsupported INT call problems
in the debug logs that I have received, however for these
I have not done anything in this version. I looked at the
types of INT calls they were about, and noticed that a great
majority of them are using various DOS features that I haven't
supported yet in DSx86. These will be my focus for the next
version, along with the mouse support.

DSx86 v0.06 Alpha Release Notes

This version mostly improves the EGA support, but it also has
the following changes:

- New keyboard graphics by L.D. Ash from http://www.violationentertainment.com
- The meaning of the debugger "G" and the NDS "B" button has been
swapped. Thus, you get the keyboard back after going to the
debugger with the B button, and touching G and V stays in the
debugger screen.
- Shoulder L and R buttons scroll the zoomed screen horizontally,
unless they are mapped to PC keys in the INI file.
- New "HDD led" on the bottom screen, so you can see when
the game accesses the SD card.
- The unknown INT10 call in Prince of Persia is now ignored.
- Several TEXT mode opcodes have been added, based on the debug logs.

This version has no improvements to the unsupported INT calls.
I plan to work on those for the next version.

Download: DSx86.nds
Download: DSx86.ini
Download: DSx86_LW2.nds


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