
Sinclairean A5

Sinclairean A5 is released. Sinclairean is a new ZX Spectrum emulator written in machine code for x86-compatible, OpenGL-capable computers.


* Fast machine code performance
* Accurate CRT display emulation
* Full screen mode without artifacts
* Smooth screen updates and 50 Hz conversion

The emulator is still in very early development stages, so your mileage may vary. Take into account the following issues:

* It still depends on SDL (included)
* Z80 core is not 100% translated to machine code yet; Marat Mayzullin's code is used as stub
* Contended memory not emulated yet
* Floating bus not emulated yet
* Quick'n'dirty audio/video sync; you may experience audio glitches, specially if your display frequency is different from 60 Hz
* Only a generic Trinitron CRT graticule is available

Test keys:

F1/F2: smoothly zoom in/out screen
F3/F4: smoothly rotate left/right screen
F5/F6: CRT aperture grille emulation on/off
F12: reset
Esc: quit

Until I implement a proper file requester, you may pass a .sna snapshot file as an argument (either by command line or opening it from explorer) to load and execute it. Without arguments, the application tries to load "default.sna".

Other things to do:

* HUD-like UI and debugger/monitor
* Windowed mode
* Support for all mainstream file formats
* x86-compatible OS X/Linux ports

New release A4:
* Always enable vsync
* Better audio/video sync (works perfect on my LG X110)
* Framerate-independent core

The framerate independency has somewhat lowered the smoothness of zoom and rotation due to 50 Hz adaptation, but will soon execute at the actual refresh rate of the monitor to restore smoothness.

Sinclairean A5
* Added .TAP support (pass a .tap file as a parameter and LOAD "" inside the emu)
* Improved keyboard scanning
* Smoother scale/rotation (not 100% as smooth as version A3 though; still have to process it every PC vblank)
* Primitive floating bus emulation (Renegade now runs at correct speed)

Download: Sinclairean A5


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