

SDLTRS v1.1 is released. SDLTRS is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for Macintosh OSX, Windows, and Linux. It has been ported from the excellent X-Windows UNIX emulator xtrs. Instead of using the X-Window system for graphics, it uses the portable SDL library.

SDLTRS v1.1 Changelog:
* Added Turbo Mode - This allows the emulator to run faster than a real TRS80. It is turned on/off using the F11 key. By default, when on, the emulator runs 5 times the speed of a normal TRS80, however, the rate is adjustable through the text GUI, Macintosh Preferences, or command line/configuration file options.
* Changed Disk Drive Numbering to Start With 0, not 1 - The intial release of the emulator numbered floppy drives from 1-8 and hard drives from 1-4. However, TRS80 drives started number at 0, so this was very confusing for users. This has been changed in this release, however, note that configurtaion files and command line options will need to be changed by users to account for the numbering change in -disk and -hard options.
* Added more keys definitions to key documentation, per bug reports

Download: SDLTRS v1.1


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