
Dolphin SVN r5029

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r5029 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator.It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Enable dynamic fullscreen switching in linux. Toggle fullscreen mode with the escape key. Unfortunately this fullscreen mode is separate from the fullscreen mode obtained from the OGL config dialog. To close that fullscreen mode you must use Alt-F4 for now (not escape). This is not how we want this to end up but there is a mode switching issue I can't figure out.

Download:Dolphin SVN r5029 x86
Download:Dolphin SVN r5029 x64


  1. Is multi-wii remotes working? I've tried, it identifies wiimote 1 and wiimote 2, but no success. When I use 2, none of them works.


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