
ML TNG Beta u43

ML TNG Beta u43 is released. ML TNG is a program of MAME.

ML TNG Beta u43 Changelog:
- Fixed a problem with .INI file deletion via F7/Shift+F7.
- RESOURCE.ML updated to 0.136 for MESS and MAME. In a future release, I hope to rewrite the routines that deal with MESS, as there is a lot of bios changes in each release - they often change from revision to revision.
- MESS 0.136 changed the command used to obtain devices for a driver. It had to be changed since MAME decided to use the previous standard, -LISTDEVICES.
-LISTMEDIA is what will work for MESS and ML is set up to use this for any version of MESS 0.136 or later. The only caveat is that the official 0.136 MESS release doesn't have this working in command line, so you will need an SVN compile or wait until MESS 0.137.
- Corrected an issue with older MESS release version identification. This fixes issues with command selection and saving for pre-0.123 versions.
- Hopefully, an issue with erasure of your FAVORITE.ML has been corrected. This happened when you tried to run ML when the emulator that was listed in your favorites file wasn't found.
- ML.EXE is no longer packed with UPX. I'm hoping that this will help those who want to attempt to run this front-end on other non Windows OS's using WINE (http://www.winehq.org).

Download: ML TNG Beta u43


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