M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 6 is released.M.U.G.E.N is a 2D fighting game engine, originally released in 1999. M.U.G.E.N is designed to be highly customizable, allowing very fine control over each character's behavior, as well as allowing customization of almost all screen elements.
The majority of content created for M.U.G.E.N tends to be distributed as individual characters, stages or motifs. Assembling a game is as simple as downloading the content of your choice, and configuring M.U.G.E.N to know about it.
M.U.G.E.N is designed to be used by people with little or no programming experience, but with some artistic talent and patience to learn. Of course, having some programming background does give you a bit of a headstart. However, if you are just looking to play with downloaded content, all you need to know is how to unzip files and edit a text file.
Here's a sampling of features you can find in M.U.G.E.N:
- Customizable title screen, character select screen, life and bars, game sound effects, fonts and more.
- Characters can have any number of sounds and sprites of any size limited by your computer's memory.
- Choose from multiple resolutions, ranging from 320x240 up to full HD at 1920x1080.
- Cutscenes.
- Game Engine
Use up to 7 buttons for a character.
- Regular moves, special moves, super moves, etc.
- Projectiles and special effects.
- Move cancels and combos, multi-part moves and throws.
- What your character can do is defined by a scripting language (and your imagination).
M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 6 Changelog:
Engine Changes
CNS: New Trigger: Cond. This is a short-circuiting version of ifelse.
CNS: Set to use precise floating point model; was previously using a less accurate model that might have caused strange rounding errors.
fight.def: Added [Fightfx] section with scale parameter.
Keyboard: Fixed bug where keyboard presses/releases are sometimes lost when other keys are pressed at the same time.
Storyboards: now scaled to fit screen aspect instead of being cropped.
Stages: Added displayname, versiondate, mugenversion, author parameters to stage [Info]. Stages older than 1.0 will have camera movement snapped to whole stage coordspace units.
Doc Changes
Added description of special forms (ifelse, cond).
Stages + Backgrounds: Fixed Parallax parameters description to match implementation.
Other minor fixes.
Bug Fixes
CNS: HitDef: Fixed bug that set default guarded getpower/givepower parameters to 0.
CNS: AppendToClipboard and DisplayToClipboard: More robust handling of type mismatch scenarios.
CNS: Fixed bug where Const trigger returned incorrectly-scaled values if player is in a temporary state of another player with a different coordspace.
CNS: Fixed bug where AssertSpecial flag=invisible does not work during hitpauses.
Display: Fixed Offset sctrl not scaling properly to coordspace.
Display: Fixed fightfx explods being created with incorrect scale when character and system have different coordspaces.
Display: Fixed projectile Clsn2 not being displayed in Ctrl-C mode.
Fixed bug where loading malformed SFFv1 sprites would prevent the program from closing properly.
Fixed character mugenversion date parser to reject malformed version strings.
Backwards Compatibility
Fixed: ver2002 characters only: After a ReversalDef with p2stateno and p1stateno parameters has been executed, P2´s state updates will lag behind P1´s by 1 tick.
ver2002 backwards compatibility: implemented bug where AssertSpecial flags that affect a single player are not reset each tick when the player is in a hitpause. Flags affected are: nostandguard, nocrouchguard, noairguard, noautoturn, noshadow, nojugglecheck, nowalk, unguardable, invisible.
ver2002 backwards compatibility: implemented bug where the effects for the following controllers are not reset during hitpause: AngleDraw, PlayerPush, Offset, ScreenBound, Trans, Width.
Download: M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 6
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