
Snes9X Euphoria R3

Snes9X Euphoria R3 is released. Snes9X Euphoria is the first version of SNES emulator for Sony PSP. It's based on source code of Snes9xTyl. The main purpose of the emu's author is to improve the speed of emulation. Also he plans to update emulators core up to the latest version of SNES9x (1.51). All versions of Snes9xTyl are based on SNES9x 1.42 core.

Download: Snes9X Euphoria R3


  1. this crashes my psp...

  2. Awesome. First it crashes for me too but now it's working great. Not sure what happened. Perhaps it's missing some files? The second time I installed it on top of the RC2.1 installation.

    Whereas in Chrono Trigger RC2.1 ran at 30 FPS or lower with frameskip on, vsync off and reduced sound quality, in RC3 it runs at 60 FPS smoothly with max settings in everything. There's still a small slowdown in menus but otherwise fine. The graphical glitches from RC2.1 are gone, engine mode doesn't go back to default every time you go back into the emulator menu, and the emulator menu loads 100 times faster. Thanks!

  3. this crashes my psp...[2]

  4. If it crashes your Psp, check to make sure that you have the emulator in the correct directory with the corresponding kernel folder setting in the Recovery Menu. i.e this one will go in the GAME5XX folder with that same folder set as Homebrew in the Recovery menu.

  5. only 4 save states?


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