
Vba-ReRecording SVN r85

EmuCR:VisualBoyAdvanceVba-ReRecording SVN r85 is released.VBA rerecording is the re-recording branch of VisualBoyAdvance.This is the development project for this branch of VBA. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Assisted movies.

VBA rerecording changelog:
Unfreezed GBx "from SRAM" check for the time being (instead, VBA tells you that the feature might be problematic. Now you can verify if that's true)
Removed all the skin functions and CxImage, I think nobody need it.
Fixed lag-counter reset.
Toggled fast-forward works now even if the window isn't active.
Fixed the "bunch of Xfers" issue in Japanese environment. (special thanks: VBAM)
Converted the project file from VS2003 to VS2008 again :P
Changed the URL of AboutDialog
Added directory overrides for GBx rom, cheats, ips, LUA scritps, AVI and sound recording. As a result, Issue 3 is now fixed.
Re-added the "Open GBx ROM..." menu command. "Open ROM..." changed to "Open GBA ROM..."
Re-arranged/renamed menu items in a more sensible way.
Cleaned hotkeys (somehow). Old hotkeys settings might fail.
Fixed "missing header files". As a result, the project files are VS2003 again :P
Probably the gbx SRAM issue ( issue 29 ) is now fixed. Also, I created another sln/vcproj file for VS2008.

Download:Vba-ReRecording SVN r85


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